1. Top 50 Female Characters
    #32. Fritzi Wagner
    Camp (2003), Alabama King
    "She’s fucked. I’m ready. And the goddamn show must go on."

  2. .... does this mean margot's back for season three? how did i miss this?
  3. "It's always been really important to me that women are given a greater amount of representation on the screen. Believe it or not, we're actually more than some dude's girlfriend or mom or whatever in real life -- why shouldn't our art reflect that too? Say what you will about some of the stuff I've been in, but in most cases -- consciously or unconsciously -- I've been geared to stories that are about women instead of propping up some super brilliant, super misunderstood white guy hero. And the, like, one time I haven't done something for girls and about girls, I got to call the guy an asshole, so that was immensely satisfying."

    - Alabama King on representation.

  4. HAPPY SEXY ANGRY - Alabama King for Frame Denim
  5. This worked very well for a girl, Johanna Mason, from District 7 a few years back. She seemed like such a snivelling, cowardly fool that no one bothered about her until there were only a handful of contestants left. It turned out she could kill viciously. Pretty clever, the way she played it.


  7. I was lucky enough to see Faults last year at SXSW, and I just found out that it's coming out in early March. IDK if it's going to be one of those NY/LA deals or have a wider distribution but this movie was pretty creepy for something pretty low budget and largely taking place between 2 people. The film is about this girl, Claire, who has joined this cult (called Faults, hence the name), and her parents basically find out and have this sad sack, down on his luck cult deprogrammer guy kidnap her to, you know, deprogram her. I don't want to give too much away -- it's not the most unpredictable film of all time but still a pretty solid mindfuck -- and it's creepy and darkly funny and well-acted and I can't recommend it enough.

  8. does anyone else wish this was going to be the new star wars instead?

  9. A more accurate version of how the scene took place

  10. "There's still so much I want to do. I've done a lot of teen girl roles and a lot of action roles and now I'm sort of entering the dark, culty phase of my career. But I'd love to play a real psycho of a villain. Not Georgina evil, evil evil. Just once, I want to chew up the scenery."